Tuesday, April 26, 2011


 Swayzi's easter bunny costume.  Thank you Aunt Heather!
 Chris got two baby ducklings for Swayzi for Easter, SO SO CUTE!  
But they probably won't be when they're huge, so let's pray 
they like living in the duck pond
 in the back yard, and NOT my living room!
 This one's name is Shelly,
 and this is Pip.
 Swayzi LOVED all the chocolate she got for Easter!  When we had our big egg hunt at my moms, she would open the eggs right when she got them, and if they had a dollar or a raffle ticket, she would throw them over her shoulder and say "no shanks." but if they had chocolate in them,  she would put them in her basket.  Girl after my own heart!  She's got her priorities straight!
 We're working on potty training.  She calls this her "reading pot." 
 Wonder where she learned that one from eh Chris? :P 
 SUCH a beautiful girl!!!  
Hope everyone had a happy Easter!  We sure did!!!

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